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Frequently asked questions

Where Are We Located?

The Phoenix Recovery Center’s state-of-the-art In-Patient and Out-Patient facility is conveniently located in the Salt Lake Valley:

South Jordan, UT
489 West South Jordan Parkway Suite 400, South Jordan, Utah 84095
(801) 438-3185

What Can I Expect?

The Phoenix Difference constitutes a tailored program and recovery experience defined by research, making us one of the best addictions & mental health facilities in Utah. Every effort is directed at supporting outcomes that prepare patients and their families with both the knowledge and the applied behaviors they need to manage their addictions & mental health and reclaim a meaningful life.

What Can I Bring?

When coming to our rehabilitation center you may bring – Personal Toiletries, Clothing, Electronics, Hobbies, Photos, Magazines, and books. Click here for a detailed list of what to bring.

Does the Phoenix Recovery Center only treat specific & only Mental Health Disorders?

The Phoenix Recovery Center has a specific “Psych tract” service milieu. One does not need to be struggling with addiction to enter our services and receive care. Our medical and clinical professionals assess which level of care is needed to best support the client’s treatment plan. (see our mental health pages)

What Inpatient Treatment Programs Do We Offer?

We offer a complete customizable treatment experience. Our residential inpatient treatment options are dictated and governed by medical and clinical necessity. Understanding that, the typical residential treatment stays range between 30 – 45 days.

Is There an Outpatient Program Available?

Yes, The Phoenix Recovery Center’ Outpatient facility, located in South Jordan, provides Outpatient Utah Drug, Alcohol and Mental Health Treatment Programs. Our outpatient facility was built specifically to help those struggling with drugs, alcohol or mental health disorders but have everyday obligations that prevent a long-term residential commitment.

Do We Provide An IOP Program

Yes, Our IOP (Intensive Outpatient) program allows our residents to transition successfully, from our residential inpatient facility. Upon discharge, each resident will receive a detailed Aftercare plan emphasizing the components for an effective, productive transition into the next stage of treatment and recovery.

Do We Accept Insurance?

Depending on your specific plan benefits, your insurance may cover all, or some of your treatment at The Phoenix Recovery Center. We accept all insurances out of network. Please call for verification of benefits coverage or check with your health insurance carrier for specific covered services.

In Network

  • Select Health
  • UnitedHealthcare
  • BCBS
  • BCBS Regence
  • BCBS Federal Employee Program
  • Aetna
  • Cigna
  • University of Utah Health Plans
  • PEHP
  • Molina Healthcare
  • WISE Provider Networks
  • Imagine Health

Insurance Companies We Work With

  • Meritain Health
  • United Behavioral Health (UBH)
  • EMI Health
  • DMBA

What Makes Us Different?

What makes The Phoenix Recovery Center different is the increased likelihood of recovery based on the following success factors:

  • Custom, evidence based, treatment tailored to the unique needs of each person.
  • A comprehensive treatment plan targeting; medical & pharmacological support, as well as support of mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and relationship needs.
  • A full continuum of care allows clients to begin treatment where each is medically needing care. Treatment options include RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT(PHP) DAY PROGRAM(IOP) INTENSIVE OUTPATIENT & (GOP) GENERAL OUTPATIENT

What Is An Addict?

Current research shows that drug and alcohol addiction (referred to as ‘substance addiction’) is a disease of the brain. Substance addiction is a pattern of alcohol or drug consumption, which impairs the person’s ability to live an enjoyable and worthwhile life, and usually degrades the quality of their work or education as well as their interpersonal relationships.

Individuals addicted to drugs or alcohol have had experienced functional changes to their brains that make them highly susceptible to these substances. Their condition could be compared to people who have allergic reactions to specific foods such as shellfish. It these foods are eaten, the affected person has little or no control over the subsequent reaction.

Likewise, the person with an alcoholic or drug addiction cannot control results of their drinking or using drugs. While many people might drink occasionally or may have experimented with drugs, they may not develop ‘an allergic’ reaction to these substances.

This food allergy metaphor for drug addiction helps to explain why those who are addicted cannot control their reactions to drugs or alcohol. However, once an individual develops a drug or alcohol addiction, their brain continues to crave the substance they have become addicted to. It is easy to tell a person with a shell food allergy to simply stop eating shellfish. For individuals with an addiction, this does not work because their brains continue to demand that they use the alcohol or drugs.

Is An Addiction a Diagnosable Mental Health Condition?

Yes. Alcohol or drug addiction includes specific symptoms. These symptoms are used in the diagnosis, which is based on three or more of the following conditions:

  • The alcohol or drugs are consumed in larger quantities or for a longer period than the person expected.
  • The individual needs noticeably more amounts of the substance to achieve the desired intoxication effect.
  • The person experiences withdrawal effects if he or she attempts to cut down or discontinue using alcohol or drugs. Withdrawal effects vary widely between different substances and for each individual.
  • The individual has a desire to cut down or control the alcohol or drug use but is unsuccessful.
  • The person spends a lot of time in obtaining drugs or alcohol, using them, or recovering from the effects of using drugs or drinking.
  • Individuals who are addicted to drugs or alcohol often have decreased engagement with family, friends, work, or recreational activities.
  • The addicted individual continues to drink or use drugs in spite of their knowledge of having a major health or psychological problems caused by the substance (for example, continued drinking despite an ulcer which gets worse or increasing arguments with a partner).

Those who are addicted have strong, compelling cravings to use drugs or drink no matter how dreadful and unmanageable their lives have become.

Why Do Alcohol & Drug Addictions Create Such a Strong Craving?

Researchers are still trying to understand the brain mechanisms that create this craving that is so dominating for those who are addicted. We know that drug and alcohol consumption produce highly pleasurable affects. These affects can be much more enjoyable than the pleasures that humans experience in their everyday activities such as relishing a good meal, appreciating a valued friend, doing a job well, enjoying sex, playing sports, achieving a goal, etc.

However, those afflicted with addictions continue to seek after the ‘highs’ of drug or alcohol consumption even after these pleasurable affects are no longer possible. Therefore, addiction pleasures are not the only reason that their cravings exist.

Does This Have Anything To Do With Dual Diagnosis?

Absolutely. Those working in addiction recovery have known that an addiction to drugs or alcohol almost always has another aspect. Generally, mental health professionals diagnosing substance addiction find strong evidence of another diagnosable mental health disorder associated with the addiction. This is called a ‘dual diagnosis.’

In our experience, the craving linked to alcoholism and drug addiction partially exists in response to the underlying problems that the addicted person has had to deal with in his life. For example, we know that soldiers after serving in combat have higher rates of drug and alcohol addiction. In many cases these individuals suffer from the effects of combat related conditions such as Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). The effects of these disorders are often terrible and in many cases the veteran turns to drugs or alcohol in order to numb out these effects.

Other individuals addicted to these substances have often experience problems in their lives. After using drugs or alcohol and experiencing the artificial pleasure, they also learn that they can numb out their troubles. Their brain has then learned that the easiest and quickest way to dampen down unresolved problems is to drink or use.

Therefore, drug use or drinking is related to other concerns which leads to an underlying, second diagnosis. Responsible mental health counselors trained in addiction recovery are aware of the requirement to fully understand the addiction and any contributing factors.

Do We Have A 12-Step Program

Yes, we believe in a 12-step based program, with a variety of local AA, NA, CA 12 step meetings.

What Are The Common Disorders Associated With The Dual Diagnosis of Addictions?

Trained therapists most frequently see evidence of anxiety and depression. As I assess individuals with substance addictions, I try to understand if there are other conditions that underlie their drinking or drug use. Most commonly, there are unresolved experiences that are a result of trauma or chronic distress and anxiety. This often leads to a dual diagnosis of Generalized Anxiety, PTSD, and depression. Other disorders may also be diagnosed.

We do not know all of the root causes of addictions but in virtually every case, the individual’s experiences have created what we call ‘negative self-beliefs.’ These negative beliefs color all of the person’s experiences and may create a downward spiral of pessimism, helplessness, and hopelessness.

Why Is The Phoenix Recovery Center Different From Other Programs?

At The Phoenix Recovery Center, we work with our residents so that they can successfully resolve the addiction as well as any unresolved experiences and negative self-beliefs. In other words, we help them learn to deal with the addiction and also the root causes of the addiction. Additionally, we create the conditions so that they can learn how to develop a balanced and enjoyable life.
This includes:

  • Adequate sleep, good nutrition, daily exercise, and attention to health concerns
  • Active engagement in a 12 Step program patterned after Alcoholics Anonymous and other similar programs involving attendance at meetings, seeking a sponsor, and working through a workbook
  • Participation in group counseling, emotional regulation groups, addiction education groups, and life skills training
  • Individual counseling for both mental health therapy and addiction counseling
  • Involvement in recreational activities

This approach has been the reason for The Phoenix Recovery Center’s much higher rates of addiction recovery. For those who are motivated to change their lives, The Phoenix program has proven to be an effective path for healing and true health.

Ultimately, we would like each person who comes to The Phoenix Recovery Center to create their own program for recovery, sobriety, and for an enjoyable, worthwhile life.

Are Eating Disorders Related to Drug and Alcohol Addictions?

Eating disorders are not classified as addictions but they possess several of the same characteristic addictive patterns of behavior. In addition, these mental health disorders such as bulimia and anorexia are strongly related to powerfully held negative self-beliefs that are also so prevalent in drug and alcohol addictions.

This means that effective treatment for eating disorders parallels addiction recovery treatment approaches. At The Phoenix Recovery Center, we have clinical mental health counselors who have also specialized in eating disorders. They can understand and help who cannot control these debilitating conditions.

What Other Addictions Are Recognized As Mental Health Disorders?

Diagnosable addictions are specified for gambling. Other mental health conditions, which have addictive like patterns of behaviors, include:

  • Problems with sexual behaviors such as pornography
  • Problems associated with injury to self (for example cutting or harmful hair-pulling)
  • Eating problems including anorexia and bulimia
  • Extreme anger issues

It should be noted that almost any repetitive activity could develop into addictive patterns that may become highly problematic. Common examples include too much physical exercise, excessive shopping, extreme thrill seeking, a compelling need to acquire wealth, prestige, or beauty, etc. Of course, there is a need to distinguish between a person who spends unnecessary time working (a true workaholic) vice someone is motivated to get a promotion or an individual who must work two jobs out of economic necessity.

However, individuals who have addictive patterns of behavior also have underlying concerns and negative self-beliefs. Often these issues are not understood, and they are exceptionally frustrating to the person as well as close family members and friends.

In almost every case individuals can be assisted in resolving underlying issues, creating constructive self-beliefs, building better relationships, and developing lives they want to live. Often the approach of The Phoenix Recovery Center has helped many overcome these issues and fully recover.

rehab admissions process
TPRC Admissions Process

Get help with addiction treatment and behavioral mental health treatment programs.

The Phoenix Recovery Center
489 W. South Jordan Pkwy
Suite 400
South Jordan, UT