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While there are many challenges in advocating for someone entering a detox program, these challenges are often compounded when that person is a family member or loved one. Many dynamics can get in the way of being the most helpful such as fear of resentment, creating a safe space in a shared living area, or having to set boundaries if a loved one isn’t willing to accept help. The good news is that there are also unique benefits that only loved ones possess when advocating against addiction.

How to Be an Early Advocate for Those Struggling With Addiction

Many people are often intimidated in approaching someone who needs recovery as opposed to someone who has already begun their journey. This is because they may fear that they are not qualified to say something before a professional does. Now, this is simply untrue.

Telling a loved one that they have a problem is hard, but it is also essential when that person either doesn’t see that they have a problem or are unwilling to accept that they have a problem. Sometimes simply being honest and speaking their mind can break through to a struggling loved one. Also, in doing so, it is important to set boundaries for their behavior. This will ensure that the person is advocating rather than enabling problematic behavior to continue.

Many people in active addiction are unable to advocate for themselves in their current state. So saying something may be the only way that they will connect to addiction professionals who may suggest entering a detox program. One way of making this connection is via an intervention.

Understanding Interventions and Entering a Detox Program

Sometimes it takes many advocates to show a loved one how much they are loved, and how many are negatively affected by their addiction and toxic behaviors. This multi person approach offers a unified front that can be helpful if the loved one struggling pushes back either emotionally, mentally, or physically.

It is also important to support a loved one by initiating a responsible intervention. This means reaching out to a professional interventionist, agreeing to stick to the boundaries that are set if a loved one turns down help, and being ready with a reputable detox program standing by as soon as they say yes. Also, when they say yes, it is important to support them while they are entering a detox program.

How to Support a Loved One Entering a Detox Program

One challenge that many people face when their loved one enters detox is that they may be asked to disconnect for a while. This is because a detox program often requires intense individual focus, and the fewer distractions the better. The good news is that once the detox program progresses into the next stage of recovery, that connection will return and most likely be significantly improved.

Also, many people may be surprised to discover that one of the ways to help their loved one is to get help themselves. Addiction is a “family disease,” which means that the entire family needs to heal to come back together healthily and safely. This is especially true when this addiction advocacy comes into play in long-term recovery.

How to Be an Advocate for Those in Long-Term Recovery

Advocating for a loved one after detox and recovery can be just as important as getting them help in the first place. This can be critical to help a loved one avoid relapse and another detox program.

One of the best ways of supporting a loved one in the home is by taking part in a relapse prevention plan. This plan may include an agreement to keep a safe space at home free of alcohol and substances (at least when the loved one is present). It may also include being part of a recovery network that can be reached out to if it seems like a loved one is struggling.

The last way of remaining an advocate is also often one of the most difficult. That is sticking to the boundaries that are agreed upon if an individual relapses and is unwilling to return for help. While this may be hard, it is also an act of love that will hopefully speed up the journey back to recovery.

Always Advocating: The Phoenix Recovery Center

Here at The Phoenix Recovery Center, we understand that family dynamics can make recovery complicated. However, we also know that recovery can also save a family from complete disconnection and destruction.

Advocating for individuals struggling with the disease of addiction can be no easy task. However, as loved ones, we are uniquely qualified to support a loved one entering or considering a detox program. For more information on how to help get a loved one into a reputable detox program, please reach out to The Phoenix Recovery Center today at (801) 438-3185.

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The Phoenix Recovery Center
489 W. South Jordan Pkwy
Suite 400
South Jordan, UT