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Many people are under the impression that there are little to no negative effects of psilocybin use. This is simply untrue, and recent research can confirm it.

According to a recent study reported by psychologist Dr. Bheatrix Bienemannin in the scientific journal, PLoS One, “10.7% of users reported that, under psilocybin, they placed themselves or others at risk of physical damage; 2.6% reported being violent or physically aggressive with themselves or others, and 2.7% reported having sought help in a hospital or emergency room.” Additionally, it is necessary to recognize that immediate consequences are not the only negative effects of psilocybin abuse. Serious mental health issues, including psilocybin addiction, can also manifest.

Understanding Psilocybin Addiction

Hallucinogen use is on the rise. In fact, according to the previously sourced journal, hallucinogens, including psilocybin (the psychoactive ingredient found in magic mushrooms), are six of the twenty most used illicit drugs in the world. Dr. Bienemannin also reports that magic mushrooms “in particular had increases in lifetime use from 24.4% to 34.2% and use in the last 12 months [2019] from 10.4% to 14.8%.”

Nevertheless, with magic mushroom use on the rise, psilocybin addiction is becoming more prevalent. One of the most significant issues informing psilocybin addiction is the public perception of it. The most devastating of these perceptions is that many people don’t even believe that psilocybin addiction is real. This is a dangerous fallacy.

Although psilocybin addiction rarely manifests as physical withdrawals, psilocybin abuse can certainly lead to something known as “psychological addiction.” Psychological addiction is a major part of all addictions. It is what causes an individual to keep using a substance even though they are experiencing serious consequences from it. This includes the consequences and negative effects of psilocybin addiction.

Using a Partial Hospitalization Program to Treat the Effects of Psilocybin Addiction

There are many treatment options for combatting the negative effects of psilocybin addiction. The good news is that because psilocybin addiction is rarely physical there is rarely a need for a physical detox. However, that does not mean that psilocybin addiction should be taken lightly.

The majority of individuals that struggle with psilocybin addiction are treated via an outpatient program. This may be an intensive outpatient program (IOP) or a general outpatient program (GOP). However, for some that are exhibiting more severe symptoms, a partial hospitalization program (PHP) may be the best direction to go.

A PHP can offer individuals with the more severe side effects of psilocybin addiction the ability to work more closely with their addiction and/or mental health care specialist, while also maintaining interaction with their everyday lives. This can be ideal for those that do not require a fully residential program but need to be more engaged in their recovery at the start. The goal of course is to eventually transition down to an outpatient program followed by a full integration back into their community.

The Partial Hospitalization Program at the Phoenix Recovery Center

Here at The Phoenix Recovery Center, we combat the public perception of magic mushrooms and psilocybin addiction every day. When people minimize it, we maximize our efforts to help those struggling to recover from it. We also have a highly regarded PHP utilizing evidence-based treatment modalities that can help us make that recovery happen.

Through our psilocybin addiction treatmentPHP, we help those struggling with the effects of psilocybin addiction get on the positive path of recovery. More importantly, we empower them to stay on that path as it takes them anywhere they want to go. For more information on psilocybin addiction and how to best treat it, please reach out to The Phoenix Recovery Center today at (801) 438-3185.

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The Phoenix Recovery Center
489 W. South Jordan Pkwy
Suite 400
South Jordan, UT