National Recovery Awareness Month 2020
Every year in September, our Nation joins together to commemorate recoveries and educate Americans about seeking substance use and mental health treatments that can have a positive impact on healthy living. This is known as National Recovery Awareness Month.
Join the Voices for Recovery: Celebrating Connections
Created by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Recovery Awareness Month’s 2020 theme seeks to join the voices for recovery. We are all affected by substance use and mental health disorders, whether it be us, a family member, or a friend. Thus, we are all collectively part of the solution. This year’s theme actively promotes prevention, treatment, and recovery of substance abuse and mental health disorders, celebrates those in rehabilitation, and advocates that recovery in all its manifestations is possible.
Celebrate Our Successes
Many of our previous patients and their families have left behind inspiring success stories on our Patient Testimonials page. We are so proud of the hard work and discipline of our patients, embracing the process of overcoming many of life’s hardest challenges. Although The Phoenix RC recognizes these transformations, many success recovery stories go unnoticed throughout the nation. National Recovery Month brings to light all of these accomplishments, so no alcohol, drug, or mental health recovery goes unnoticed. Let’s celebrate these triumphs together!
Spread Awareness
This observance simultaneously helps people understand that prevention works, treatment is life-changing, and behavioral health is essential to overall health. We need to stand together and talk openly about those taboo topics such as mental health, drugs, and substance use. During this National Recovery Month and always, we want those struggling to know that there is hope and support outstretched. Through the many specialized treatment programs The Phoenix RC offers, there is hope and support for something better.
Healthy Living
Here at The Phoenix Recovery Center, we believe that everyone deserves a chance to live a healthy and fulfilled life. This includes basic wellness, relationship recovery, as well as community recovery. This third category of community emphasizes the sustainment of behavioral success. This month, National Recovery Month, emphasizes the importance of building these resources of community and network across the country to enable both treatment awareness and support for lasting recovery. For years to come, we hope to see our patients celebrating how far they’ve come, while encouraging others along their own journeys.
What You Can Do
During this inspiring month of learning and celebration, we encourage you to join the voices of recovery by committing to help yourselves, loved ones, and friends live a healthier and more rewarding life.
Seek to Understand
We all have victories to celebrate and difficulties to overcome, so let’s remind those who are in ongoing treatment, brand new recovery, or years into their recovery, that they are not alone. Recovery is always an option, and here at The Phoenix RC we have some of the best specialists in the industry. Click this page for resources to aid in understanding the importance of drug rehabilitation and mental health/addiction recovery.
This month, The Phoenix Recovery Center and other treatment and recovery programs have gotten creative in sharing this message of hope and resource. Some ways to join in your own communities is by sharing your success stories to inspire those fighters across the country of their strength and resilience, as well as connecting with those in recovery. This can be as simple as hosting a low-key social event to organizing an informational seminar. In addition, if you know somebody that needs the help that treatment can permit, encourage them and contact us to begin addiction recovery today.
Smart Recovery
National Recovery Awareness Month is the perfect opportunity to access available resources and focus on the given theme of Join the Voices for Recovery: Celebrating Connections. It is crucial that we rally together to educate ourselves what substance use and mental health disorders entail, and encourage others to seek the help that will put their lives back on track. Here at The Phoenix RC, we celebrate and stand with National Recovery Month to provide the necessary and accessible treatment programs, informational resources, and professional support teams.