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The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) recently reported that “1 in 5 U.S. adults experience mental illness each year.” That is nearly 60 million people; about 30% of the total adult population that struggles with their mental health. Recognizing the prevalence of mental illness in adults is only the beginning of understanding the need to be a mental health advocate. 

Adults aren’t the only ones struggling with their mental health. The 2021 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) sponsored by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) found that of the adolescents aged 13 to 18 surveyed, “An estimated 49.5% of adolescents had any mental disorder.” Also, “Of adolescents with any mental disorder, an estimated 22.2% had a severe impairment and/or distress.” These statistics are, of course, unfortunate and staggering.

What Is a Mental Health Advocate?

But what is a mental health advocate? A mental health advocate supports and promotes the well-being of individuals with mental health conditions. They work to raise awareness, reduce stigma, and improve access to mental health resources. These individuals have been vital in normalizing the effects of mental health. Since 1949 in the U.S., the month of May has been used to promote mental health advocacy and awareness. However, Mental Health Awareness Month should be used as a reminder to advocate for individuals struggling with issues of mental health year-round, not merely for 31 days out of the year. Whether it is a close friend, coworker, family member, or the broader community at large, people with mental health struggles need our help and support more than ever.

How to Become a Mental Health Advocate

Becoming a mental health advocate is a powerful way to contribute to the well-being of individuals facing mental health challenges. It involves supporting and promoting the rights and dignity of those with mental health conditions, working tirelessly to raise awareness, reduce stigma, and enhance access to essential mental health resources. Advocacy can take many forms, from educating oneself and others about mental health issues, to actively participating in community outreach programs, or even lending a listening ear to someone in need. By fostering a more inclusive and understanding society, a mental health advocate plays a crucial role in normalizing conversations around mental health and encouraging those affected to seek help without fear of judgment. Here are a few ways you can begin the journey to becoming a mental health advocate.

Work With Organizations:

Find local, or national organizations that work to support those who struggle with mental health and see if they have volunteer opportunities. This is a great way to become a mental health advocate for your community and show the people close to you that if they struggle they can come to you for additional support. 

Find Opportunities to Increase Awareness:

Awareness of mental health issues is much lower than it should be. So many people struggle and yet, we continue to ignore the problem. Becoming a mental health advocate means working to raise awareness of mental health issues. You can do this by finding opportunities, like an awareness walk, or other events, to participate in around your community. 

Contact Local Politicians:

Contact your local politicians and urge them to focus some time on the issues of mental health. It is so important for those struggling to have resources to use to avoid going to a place they can’t come back from. Politicians can help ensure these resources get funding and attention to be successful. 

Fight Against Stigmatization:

Being a mental health advocate doesn’t always need to be a large systemic gesture. There are also small things you can do in your everyday life to become an effective mental health advocate. For example, if you witness language or actions that continue the stigmatization of mental health you should speak up. Stigmatization is very hurtful to those who struggle and makes it more difficult for them to find help. Fighting against these stigmatizations will help fight for mental health on a personal level. 

The Stigmas Surrounding Mental Health

Regarding mental health stigma, there are three types by which all of its forms exist. These include:

  • Public stigma
  • Self-stigma
  • Institutional stigma

The first type of stigma, public stigma, is probably the most recognizable. Public stigma has to do with the way the community at large treats individuals struggling with issues of mental health. This happens both consciously and subconsciously. A conscious example would be when individuals struggling with mental illness are referred to in a pejorative, such as “wild,” or “that person is unhinged.” An unconscious example would be when someone refers to someone who isn’t struggling with mental illness as exhibiting signs of mental illness, such as referring to someone who is organized as “having OCD.”

Self-stigma is how individuals struggling with mental illness internally shame themselves. This is something that usually stems from exposure to the previously mentioned stigma. Further, the last stigma is institutional stigma. This is when certain policies limit people’s access to quality mental health care. Institutional stigma goes back to that mental health professional shortage statistic mentioned earlier. The good news is that we can all play a part in refusing these stigmas by becoming mental health advocates.

The Phoenix Recovery Center and the Need to Be a Mental Health Advocate

Here at The Phoenix Recovery Center, we understand the challenges that individuals struggling with mental illness and their families face every day. We also understand the feeling of not knowing what the first step is in getting a loved one the help they need. We want individuals to know we are here to help them take that first step.

One of the best ways to help an individual struggling with mental illness is to reach out to a professional on their behalf. These professionals can help guide them through the next right steps. For example, they may be able to guide a person toward a recovery center that focuses specifically on the symptoms they are describing. They may also be able to guide them toward a recovery center that best fits their financial and/or insurance situation. Just remember, reaching out to get information does not mean that a person must make any decisions. An individual and their loved ones can work together to determine the best next steps.

Don’t let the idea of doing too much or not doing enough limit your potential for becoming a mental health advocate. Everyone can make a difference. Sometimes the best thing a person can do is be there for someone who needs to talk or needs a shoulder to lean on. Other times it may just be that someone is available to make those hard, sometimes scary, phone calls for help. Remember, any step forward is a positive one, not just in May, but all year long. The Phoenix Recovery Center is here to help.

For more information on how to be a mental health advocate, and the treatment options available for mental health recovery, please call The Phoenix Recovery Center today at (801) 438-3185.

The Phoenix Recovery Center
489 W. South Jordan Pkwy
Suite 400
South Jordan, UT