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Clinical depression is a common mood disorder that causes symptoms affecting how you feel, think, and handle activities, such as sleeping and working. Unfortunately, many people go through life undiagnosed. That’s why an abnormally large group of people feel life is challenging to deal with. Even those who decide to partake in therapy can feel as if it is not working or only go for so long. For both of these groups, there is still hope.

What Causes Depression?

There are no comprehensive solutions to depression, but one of the best ways to combat it is to learn about its causes and triggers. Depression can come from many different sources, including:

  • Trauma
  • Problems at work
  • Issues at home
  • Cycling thoughts
  • Poor news cycle

These are all possibilities, but in no way all of them. Some people are more affected by what is going on around them. Others take on the burden of emotion from those around them even if not called upon to do so. Being empathetic can sometimes be a person’s worst enemy and bring about its own source of depression. Regardless of the roots of your depression, there are a number of ways to fight back.

How to Fight Against Depression

One thing to realize about depression is that it fights back regardless of how much you do to stop it. Fighting negative thoughts and unhealthy habits requires strong coping skills. However, you have this arsenal at your fingertips, whether you realize it or not.  

One of the best ways to deal with depression is to deal with it head-on. Ignoring it will not help, making it worse in the long run. Everyone wants to avoid depression, so how do we deal with this dichotomy?  

Some easy yet effective activities to acquire to combat depression include:

#1. Journaling

Fight your depression by writing about it. This will get it out of your system and put it into a context you can understand and reflect back on later. You might not need to journal daily, but the more you do, the more you can understand your depression cycles and what may be setting you off. This may even allow you to begin writing about the good things in your life to counteract some of the depressive thoughts.  

Over time, you will come to realize that when depression happens, it needs to be addressed and not buried. Once you have addressed it, the next step is to move on to adopting more activities that combat depression. 

#2. Meditation

Another great way to deal with depression is to practice meditation. The best part about meditation is that you don’t need much to practice it. All you need is a quiet space and as little as 10 minutes a day. The goal of meditation is to center and ground yourself in the moment. This involves allowing your brain to slow down and do as little as possible.  

In mindfulness, you are not creating a moment; you are practicing being mindful of your surroundings. This means allowing yourself to close your eyes and recognize the sounds around you, the position of your body, and what is happening in a very small radius. If you are feeling depressed, this will allow you to focus on slowing your breathing and “empty” your brain of emotions and distractions. 


Remember that dealing with depression is a constant struggle. However, you need to be vigilant and consistent with how you go about treating it. When you are, you will find that its effects will lessen your symptoms and you will be better equipped to handle depression.  

Dealing with depression is not always about going at it head-on. Doing so will simply be frustrating and leave you more depressed over the fact that you cannot conquer it. The best way to deal with it is to get to a point where it can flow through you. It is not about ignoring it as much as it is about allowing it to fade in and then allowing yourself to let it fade out. Should you have a depression disorder, it is all in how you approach it. 

When you find the best way for you to deal with depression, you’ll find a silver lining. It is about realization, understanding, and acknowledgment. Eradication is not the goal, as it is an impossible task. Make sure that you focus inward and allow yourself to put depression aside, even for a few minutes. Through practice, you will begin to understand your vulnerabilities and how to keep yourself above water. The more you know yourself, the better you will understand how to deal with depression.

Seek Professional Help

Whenever someone thinks about their depression, there is often the fear that it will only get worse. However, with the right steps and an effective treatment program, it can be put under control. Considering the fact that mental health is a constantly evolving process, there are a number of things one can do to better equip themselves for what depression might bring. Beyond going to therapy, there are a variety of things one can do as an individual to keep the depression at bay, including journaling and practicing mindfulness or meditation. Sometimes, solely thinking of what you’re grateful for isn’t enough. If you are looking for more coping strategies to target your mental health, The Phoenix Recovery Center can help. We can help you uncover the best treatment program for your situation and guide you to the proper coping mechanisms. For more information, call us today at (801) 438-3185.

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The Phoenix Recovery Center
489 W. South Jordan Pkwy
Suite 400
South Jordan, UT