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Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is unwanted patterns of thoughts or fears (obsesssions) that lead to repetitive (compulsive) behavior). There are quite a number of ways that living with OCD affects daily life. Below, we’ll highlight what it’s really like to experience this disorder.people that most people do not realize or understand.

Misrepresentations in the Media

Unfortunately, many people get their information about OCD through movies and television. Not only are these gross misrepresentations, but they may have negative effects on those who do live with the specter of OCD. Most symptoms require quite a bit more exploration.   

What People Don’t See

With all of the outward-facing pieces of OCD, there is very little that is talked about regarding the inner issues.

Cycling Thoughts

People with OCD may seem concerned about certain things but the problem runs deeper. When someone is living with OCD, they become fixated. This fixation may attach to a variety of issues or problems. For example, a person may find that they are afraid they will get sick. This may lead to obsessive thoughts about germs.

Many people have moments of light fixation. They might lose focus on a school test or a work project. However, the difference is that eventually this light fixation eventually clears. When someone has OCD, the cycle does not stop. It can last for years and only get worse.

Irrational Fears

Part of the cycling thoughts is that they are often based on irrational fears. This will often come from childhood trauma and certain people or incidents. People with OCD may find they are afraid of religious impropriety, sexual subjects, or even cleanliness.

These fears will often be exacerbated by the cyclical mentality. This can compound the fears and create an even worse mental environment.

Need for Order

One way that people deal with their OCD is by attempting to hold back their chaos. They find themselves trapped in a disordered mind. This can lead to compulsive behaviors that serve to add some kind of order to their thoughts. Often, they make living normally even harder.

3 Prominent Compulsions

Though every person with OCD has their own specific set of issues, there are three that are more widely observed by professionals:

#1 Cleanliness

Some people find themselves obsessed with cleanliness, opting to shower many times a day, wash their hands obsessively, and remain in their homes where they will clean surfaces at all hours of the day and night. Whenever they feel insecure or worried, they will turn to cleaning and disinfecting as a way of finding order and calm.

#2 Organization

Others will attempt to put everything in a specific place. Their belief is that everything needs to belong somewhere, and they will work tirelessly to establish these locations. Should something move or be relocated, it may enrage the individual or upset them to a terrible degree.

#3 Repetition

The third example is repetition. People may feel that if they do not follow certain routines to the letter, awful things will happen to them or those they love. This can be debilitating as any deviation will send them back to the beginning and cause distress.

These are only three examples of obsessive-compulsive behavior. Each person with OCD has their own particular needs and routines.  

The Phoenix Recovery Center and OCD

One thing you will learn when you come to The Phoenix Recovery Center is that while you are part of a large group, we see you as an individual with your own specific situation. That situation needs to be examined and dealt with in a way that feels right for you. When you come to us, we will evaluate where you are, and we can work together to achieve the results you need.

A few of the pieces you will learn are:

  • Roots of your OCD
  • The effects of OCD on behavior
  • How you view yourself
  • Putting your condition into context

OCD Treatment Options

The Phoenix Recovery Center can provide you with a variety of treatment options depending on your individual situation.

Individual Therapy

This type of therapy will explore your particular situation and the roots of your OCD. Each person has their own story, their own history, and their own ways of coping. Individual therapy will allow you time with a qualified therapist who will help you to create a plan you are comfortable with.

Group Therapy

While you may see your situation as something separating you from society, the truth is that there are quite a few people out there with the same problem. In group therapy, you will meet others struggling just as you are. You will learn from each other, find out how others deal with their conditions, and how you might learn with and from each other.

Medication-Assisted Treatment

Considering the progress you will make in therapy, it is important to take away as many roadblocks that may exist between you and your care. That is where medication-assisted treatment (MAT) may come in. For some people, medication can help to lessen their mental anguish to a point where they can be free to think about treatment instead of being stuck in their existing condition.

Road to Healing

The Phoenix Recovery Center is here to offer as much care as necessary to help you conquer your condition. Some people need an inpatient program, while others simply need a day program. Regardless of your needs, we can accommodate you and assist you in treatment. To get started on your healing journey, call us today at (801) 438-3185.

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The Phoenix Recovery Center
489 W. South Jordan Pkwy
Suite 400
South Jordan, UT