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When we talk about anxiety, it is generally associated with feelings of fear or dread. Often, the feeling is accompanied by tension and restlessness. Some individuals may also experience physical symptoms such as sweating, nausea, and increased heart rate.

The Origins of Anxiety

While we often see work as our primary source of stress and anxiety, it may not always be the only stressor. For many people, the various parts of life that make us anxious may bleed into our work mentalities.

Consider that many people are anxious about supporting their families. When they look at bills and consider things like paying rent and daily needs, it can weigh heavily on them. This situation will only feel worse if there are issues at work. A person who is anxious about making money will be consistently anxious about the quality of work they are doing and how their superiors view them.

What ends up happening in many situations is a snowball effect. A person has stress or anxiety in their home life, cannot get themselves in a healthy state of mind, and wind up taking it with them to work.

How Anxiety Affects the Work Environment

For people with anxiety, the work environment can feel like a minefield. They may feel that they are calculating each and every aspect of their day. When a new project is handed to them, no matter how insignificant, they may see it as a test of their skill levels. If their boss asks them to fix a mistake, they may fear that they are on the brink of losing their job.

This type of anxiety serves only to continue a cycle that will extend back into their personal life. If someone is worried about a sick child, then they will be nervous about keeping their job. Should they be told something negative at work, they will feel anxious about whether they will lose that job and how it might affect their child’s treatment.

For these people, work relationships and work quality often suffer. Their anxiety causes them to be so unfocused that they are oblivious to what is happening around them. Coworkers may feel alienated and will refrain from interacting. When this happens, it may build feelings of isolation and cause the individual to become anxious about their standing among their colleagues.  

In terms of work quality, a person with anxiety issues will often miss details. This means more time checking work and possible questions from superiors. It is important to know that although a boss or colleague can ask how a person is doing, they cannot press for personal details. This may lead to even more questions the individual is unwilling or unable to answer.

Methods of Treatment

Fortunately, anxiety is treatable. There are several methods available for dealing with anxiety. These depend on the severity and cause and include:

Medication-Assisted Treatment

Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is a tangential form of assistance. It is paired with regular therapy in an effort to lessen the chemical issues in the brain. For many people, MAT can have an enormous effect on the overall symptoms that accompany anxiety. However, it is not meant to be a standalone treatment.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy 

Often, a person with anxiety will take part in individual therapy sessions with a licensed therapist. Many therapists adhere to the cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) model, where a person is shown the connections between their behavior, thoughts, and feelings.

When a person is shown these connections, it can open up new doors to possible trauma, family issues, and personal considerations not previously explored. This may even lead back to their job, work environment, or other career-related issues.

What This Means for Work

Many people consider work to be the main stressor in their lives. However, once you have started therapy and perhaps even started on medication, it may become apparent that there is more going on in your life.  

Your therapist will offer techniques and advice that will assist you as you go about your daily life. You will soon find that these new techniques will change your perspective. People you were nervous around may become easier to talk with. Small mistakes may become learning opportunities and less of a chance for you to berate yourself. In fact, you may find that you can completely reevaluate your career path.  

Often, we look at work in negative terms. Very few people are lucky enough to wake up and truly enjoy their jobs. For the rest of us, it can be hard enough without anxiety getting in the way. That is why it is best to deal with it head-on rather than allow it to fester and keep a chokehold on your life.

How The Phoenix Recovery Center Can Help

Work is one of the number one causes of stress in the United States. Now, not only are people dealing with the stress of an office, but also the stress of working remotely. At The Phoenix Recovery Center, our trained and dedicated staff will help you to evaluate your situation. Often, people are surprised by how simple it can be to start accessing help right away. 

We spend most of our lives working. Why should you spend that time being anxious about subjects you may not even understand? Take a look at your life and make the change to a better you starting today.

At The Phoenix Recovery Center, we have various mental health professionals to assist you in dealing with your own unique problems. In many cases, the stressors of life can bleed into our work and make things seem worse than they are. We will teach you to identify the roots of your anxiety and how to deal with them accordingly. Call us today to get started at (801) 438-3185.

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The Phoenix Recovery Center
489 W. South Jordan Pkwy
Suite 400
South Jordan, UT