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Holistic treatment is a very important aspect of mental health treatment. When you consider the various pieces necessary for healing, the holistic model brings them together in a way that no other treatment option can.

The Origins of Anxiety

Anxiety is often rooted in our past. For many people, anxiety comes from childhood trauma. This trauma tends to originate from a particular person or event. However, the effects of this person or incident will reverberate through the person’s life, starting very young.

For those who do not have childhood trauma, their anxiety may stem from more recent developments. Situations at home, work, or even of a medical nature can bring about feelings and emotions we have never needed to deal with before.

Regardless of where the anxiety stems from, receiving treatment is essential. Treatment has been shown to significantly reduce the effects of anxiety in all its forms.

Anxiety: A Sleeping Menace

When it comes to anxiety, we may not realize the dormant feelings we have until it is too late. This means that the trauma sits in the back of our minds without reason to appear until something is triggered. Sometimes this can happen when we meet people or are in situations that mirror what caused the initial trauma.

Symptoms of Anxiety

The fact is that, if not dealt with, anxiety will appear and bring with it a variety of mental and physical problems. 

Some of the physical symptoms can include:

  • Sweating
  • Elevated heart rate
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Issues with sleep

The mental symptoms can also be just as hard to deal with, including:

  • Irrational fears
  • Racing thoughts
  • Issues concentrating
  • Depression

These are only a few possibilities. In fact, with the number of possible physical and mental side effects, you will end up with your own combination. That is just another reason to seek treatment.

The Holistic Model

With the sheer number of ways to treat someone with an anxiety disorder, one of the core examples is the holistic model. This involves treating three areas:

  • Mind
  • Body
  • Spirit

When we look at anxiety through the lens of these three areas, it gradually becomes apparent just how deep the anxiety goes. It may even bring to light other catalysts and solutions that were not previously considered.

#1 Mind

When we talk about healing the mind, we are referring to the thoughts and emotions that come with anxiety. These are often categorized as racing, cyclical, and negative. For some, there can also be an accompanying feeling of dread and depression.  

The way we go about treating the mind is through traditional therapy. This is often one-on-one but can also involve group therapy as well. The person will talk about how they feel, what they are thinking, and where they think it all comes from. 

Trauma therapy is only a piece of the holistic model. However, once trauma has been addressed, many people find freedom knowing that they are finally learning about what could be long-dormant issues. Healing the mind is only a piece of the puzzle. We also need to think about the other two aspects that make up ourselves.

#2 Body

Physical healing is also required when dealing with anxiety, as the physical symptoms must also be addressed. One of the best things to learn is breathing exercises and, tangentially, meditation. As strange as it might sound, many people do not know the proper way to breathe. A professional can give you great advice about what you may be doing wrong and explain why different breathing methods are beneficial for people with anxiety.

When you are taught the proper breathing methods, you will start learning to focus inwards. This self-exploration will let you be more mindful of your thoughts in the moment. Being able to put your feelings and emotions into perspective can only be achieved when you are in a calm state. Therefore, learning to heal your body will make room to heal the mind and spirit.

#3 Spirit

When we are subject to an anxiety disorder, it can often be draining. People assume that anxiety is something that happens, like an attack, and then disappears. However, anyone who has ongoing anxiety will tell you that it begins to weigh on you. The fear of having an anxiety attack can be just as draining as the aftermath of the attack itself. Therefore, you must learn to accept who you are and that just because you have this condition, you are not broken. As you learn to accept anxiety as a part of life, along with the knowledge that you are working to deal with it, you will begin to feel more at peace.

The overall pressure on your being can feel quite heavy. Remember that there are others who feel the same and may have their own methods for letting go of the pressure. This is the hardest part of dealing with anxiety, but once accomplished, it can be the most rewarding.

How The Phoenix Recovery Center Can Help

After your initial consult, our qualified team will determine the best steps to help you with your anxiety. We believe in each person as an individual and that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Therefore, your holistic journey will be tailored to your specific situation. Remember that you are an integral part of the healing process. Call us today at (801) 438-3185 to get started on your healing journey.

The Phoenix Recovery Center
489 W. South Jordan Pkwy
Suite 400
South Jordan, UT